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Part one in a series of three on increasing your profits and cash flow in 60 days:
Every business at some point struggles with cash flow and lack of profits. The period can be short, or it can be long. Either way, it may feel like you are drowning, struggling to cover expenses.
Running a business is challenging. It is not for the faint of heart or the fearful. It is like a rip tide. Business owners are swimming directly to shore and they are exhausted. But swimming parallel to shore is counterintuitive at first. What we are recommending will feel the same way!
Yet, someone must do the swimming if there is going to be rest and safety. It all starts with the leader. The good news is that there are things you can do in the next 60 days to change the numbers on your financial statements. Only you can make these changes. Time to grab your swim trunks!
How do you determine your prices…wing it? Comparable to your completion? Time and materials plus a markup? The benefits/results that you bring?
Of course, one way to increase your profits is to increase your prices. Business owners have a fear of raising prices thinking customer/clients will leave if they do.
Did you know that if you raised your prices only 5%, it will increase your profits 12%? Number do not lie! For example, if you charged $100 for a widget and it cost you $60, your profits would be $40. However, if you increased your price by 5% = $105, your profits increase 12%. See the math below:
Income $100 Increase to $105
Cost $ 60 Cost $ 60
------- -------
Profit $ 40 Profit $ 45
*40/45 = 12% increase in profits. And we did not even touch the expenses!
Here is one question that gets clients all the time…what is your close rate? What percentage of estimates, quotes do you give your customers that they turn into clients? 25%? 45%? 65%? The last client I mentioned that to they told me that they close 65% of the quotes they gave out. She was excited that people were interested in her products. But that is just the opposite of thinking you need to have. If she would have increased her pricing and got only 30% of new customers, she would have had higher profits and less work. Her comment…”Oh…yeah, that makes sense!”
If you don’t expect your mechanic to drive your car for you, don’t expect your accountant to make business decisions for you. With that said, we can only make recommendations. It is up to you to TAKE ACTION. Grab your towel…you’re gonna get wet!