
Entity Evaluation

Entity Evaluation
Confirm the best entity for your business.
Whether you are a new business owner or have been running a business for as long as you can remember, selecting the appropriate entity can make a huge impact on the financial well-being for your business as well as for your personal life. With the ever-changing tax laws and business environments, it is a worthwhile investment to evaluate whether you are operating as the entity that makes the most sense for your specific situation. 

Let AdminBooks help provide peace of mind knowing that you have chosen the best entity.  And, if you are overpaying in taxes and not getting every benefit allowed, we will help guide you how to make that change, if necessary. 

Business Financial Review

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Product Details

AdminBooks will professionally assess your business financials! We will provide insight on the structure of your financials to maximize accuracy and usefulness. We will also provide interpretations of your businesses profitability based on the numbers. Our goal with this financial statement analysis is to provide peace of mind that your bookkeeping and financial reporting processes are optimized for your business, at no cost to you!

Limited to first 12 people to sign up. Don't miss this opportunity!

How to qualify:

*Business owner must use QuickBooks Online

*Assign AdminBooks to have "Accountant" access to your QBO file. (We will provide instructions.)

* Existing AdminBooks clients are ineligible for the free business finanical review. Existing clients can contact our team regarding any business financial concerns.

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Business Financial Review
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