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If you’re reading this article, it is most likely because you’ve been thinking about hiring a bookkeeper, but you have some reservations. You aren’t the only one! We hear about this frequently. So, hopefully, we can bring to light some of your concerns to determine if now is a good time to hire someone to help with your accounting.
Fear or worry of the unknown seems to be the biggest reason why some people will struggle with making a decision. It’s understandable! As humans, we like to be comfortable because it feels safe. When we don’t have all the facts, it is difficult to make a change and take action. Being cautious can be a great instinct for certain situations, but it can also be a hindrance. Will it inconvenience me? Will it be worth it financially? Can’t I do it myself? Will I have the time? Perhaps, fear of the unknown is the overarching fear that umbrellas the rest mentioned in this article.
Here are 5 reasons someone would hesitate to hire a bookkeeper:
1) “I can’t work the cost in the budget right now.”
Starting/running a business is expensive! So, it makes sense that cost would be at the forefront of your mind. As a business owner, you are probably very aware of getting a return of your investment when spending any money. Will hiring a bookkeeper be financially worth it? In short, bookkeepers do so much more than just helping you keep track of purchases. They ensure all of your financial information is up-to-date and may even strategize with you to make smart moves for your business. Current books and financial statements are crucial to running a successful business and can help you grow your business. Success, growth, and peace of mind that your books are current and accurate is quite a return on investment!
2) “I don’t want a stranger to see all my financial details.”
Being “financially naked” with someone can be intimidating. If you are embarrassed for someone to see financial patterns, then I’m willing to bet that even you feel something isn’t right and could use some work. Returning to the last point, a professional can strategize with you to ensure you can feel proud of your business's direction. Also, there is a good chance they have seen much worse! So, ease up on yourself.
3) “I can do it myself.”
You may have the skills and know-how to do your own bookkeeping, but that doesn’t mean you should. As a business owner seeking to grow your business, you probably don’t have much time to spare. On average, most business owners have reported spending at least 80 hours a year on bookkeeping alone. Just imagine what you could do for your business or personal life with 80 hours back. Again, return on investment…
4) “I’m too busy to look into hiring anyone.”
If you’re feeling too busy to look at hiring a professional, odds are you are too busy to be doing it yourself. This goes back to point #3. Take a few hours to find the right professional and possibly save yourself around 80 hours a year! And, you will never find freedom in your business if you don’t delegate and make the time.
5) “I don’t want to hire the wrong person and mess everything up.”
This is a valid concern. It is crucial to take a bit of time to do some research. I would strongly encourage you to ask plenty of questions to feel confident that the person you choose aligns with what you and your business need! Stuck on what to ask: we’ve got you! Click the link below for a list of the top questions to ask before hiring a professional!